
Key definitions in case of a "Faur" Agreement

The ,,FAUR" Agreement, developed under "CASA FAUR” Brand License, consists in a commercial strategy for settling a debt, resulting from a commercial activity, service provision or of any other nature, to a CREDITOR, using as procedure: payment, financial intermediation, granting, transferring, buying or setting-off receivables (based on an informal evaluation) through: work, assets (movable or real estate), uncollected invoices, industry, specific knowledge, performances or "cash pooling" engagements.

The "FAUR" Agreement Francise, developed under the license of the "CASA FAUR” Brand, consists in the debt settlement procedure developed under the license of the ,,CASA FAUR” Brand using as strategy: commercial secrets, know-how, confidentiality agreements, etc.

Beneficiary of the ,,FAUR” Agreement, developed under the license of the "CASA FAUR” Brand, is the person whose crediting is granted through a "cash pooling" engagement.

The service provided based on an agreement, under the license of the ,,CASA FAUR” Brand is a credit granting engagement, licensed as a ,,Faur” Agreement, for obtaining the necessary liquidities for: investments, developing current activities, through "cash pooling" engagements, with the strategy of using the available financial resources or by compensating debt with: uncollected invoices, industry, merchandise, movable or real estate, that can be combined with taking over shares, products or services.

The ,,FAUR" financial agreement developed under the license of the "CASA FAUR” Brand, consists in a potentially benefic intermediation or agreement for: crediting, granting for settling debts or for investments. The refinancing through a ,,FAUR" Agreement, developed under the license of the "CASA FAUR” Brand, is an agreement made with a debtor beneficiary, so that a certain percentage, of the amounts obtained following an operation, directly related to the beneficiary debtor, will be used through a "cash pooling" engagement, for: investments, current activity development.

Faur Tiberiu